Here’s a thought, prompted by HDT’s employer and landlord,
R.W. Emerson: “To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for
you in your private heart is true for all men,—that is genius.” While reasonably self-reliant, I don’t think
Waldo’s right on this point, or, if he is, “genius” is a suspect quality, a
quite possibly narcissistic begging of the question, not to be overly encouraged. Long experience inclines me to think rather
that in my private heart “nothing but the tritest of truisms is true for all
men, much less for all others: tritest of all—that humans are mortal.” And
before our mortality, divining the truth of our own individual private heart is
work enough for many, perhaps most, of us. I’ll leave that all-believing genius
to someone else.